The Implacable

About this piece:

This digital device, supported by free software, a USB camera and fiduciary markers (sound tattoos), read out the movement of bodies or objects and converts it into MIDI information, to later emit sound. It was developed for use in the live presentations of the avant-garde music project "Pla". It allows people in the public to join musical improvisations with the movement of their body, without needing to know how to play an instrument:

“Sound tattoos are graphic symbols that work like a key and when‘ The Implacable ’detects its unique combinatorial, it produces different sounds, which we can program to our liking. The person who carries these images intervenes with their body movement in the sound of each piece of music in real time ”, Isaías, its developer, explains.

During the live presentations of "Pla", 4 USB cameras are placed around the musicians every 90º, each connected to a device and each one activating a different synthesizer sound. The generated musical result is a product of the real-time combination of the sounds activated by the body movement of the attendees and the musical instruments.

Distribución en una presentación en vivo

"The Implacable" uses a computer vision algorithm to quickly track reference or fiduciary graphic markers specially developed for the device. The user interface is the images of the video captured by the camera, showing in black and white the movement of the bodies in the X, Y and Z axes of its vision frame and indicating if the movement information is being processed.

Distribución en una presentación en vivo



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