In 'Symbioshell', a symbiotic relationship emerges: living organisms function as biological sensors, detecting critical environmental changes for the robot, which in turn operates as an intelligent exoskeleton to enhance its survival. The series explores the dynamic interplay between living and artificial entities, blurring the boundaries between biology and technology.
VR Installation
Remembered Desert is a recreation of five historical periods of the Chihuahuan Desert, the largest in North America. The work harnesses the potential of virtual reality to create a strong sense of presence, allowing visitors to experientially explore the relationship between history, memory, and fiction. If history is mediated by human memory and perception, does it then become a fiction? The work seeks to answer this question by creating scenarios where visitors can relive historical events and uncover stories that have been marginalized by the predominant institutional narrative.
Sound Installation
The Artificial Sonorous Ecosystem is a life simulator manifested through sound, where autonomous digital organisms experience life cycles influenced by natural environmental stimuli. Each organism contributes to the installation's soundscape in real-time. Visitors can access a web interface to obtain a visual representation of the organisms and listen to them individually. This project invites visitors to blur the boundaries between the organic and the artificial, as well as to reflect on how our senses can be amplified through electronic media and multisensory interfaces.
Collaborating: Malitzin Cortés (CNDSD), Bioluminik, Hugo Solís, Bernardo Feldman and Iván Naranjo.
Oneiric Regression transforms the testimony of a dream into sonic metaphors. This website symbolically deconstructs the narrative and reinterprets it in an auditory dimension, allowing the visitor to relive or reinterpret the dream experience. The more words used to describe the dream, the richer and more detailed the sonic experience will be.
Device + Website
These Sound Amulets are objects that contain music reacting to the environment like living beings. The sounds that compose the music change in real time, adapting to the temperature and weather conditions where the amulets are located.
Digital musical instrument activated by the movement of bodies adorned with 'sound tattoos'—graphic symbols or fiduciary markers functioning as keys. When The Implacable detects their unique combinations, it generates MIDI sounds responsive to the motion of the carriers.